I promess all those smells are in my mind and they will stay forever!
Here you buy your what you call deli.
Shaved prosciutto, salame cotto or crudo, and cheese.
going to buy the cheese:
Another souvenir in my grandmother town...before to buy cheese you must buy the bread, and that in one particulary bakery, than going to buy grissini (breadsticks)in the second particulary bakery (the bread being in a bag the second bakery will not got jealous that you bought your bread somewhere else)
Breadstick are so big.... that you must buy as second ingridients because you cannot hide them....
Once the bread stick were in our hands we could go visit the cheese shop.
They had huge log of cheese, we wre litteraly sitting on it!
The owner will make you taste the cheese that you will enjoy with THE BREAD STICK, yeah and sometime the owner will serve you a glass of wine!!!!!!
To me too...and I was little , maybe 10?
But Inever like wine when I was little, now...it is another story